How long should you sit in a zero gravity chair?

The short answer: daily use of a zero gravity chair for at least 20 minutes is as good as  8-10 hours of sleep to repair your spine.

In the modern world, you spend a lot of time sitting down. You probably sit down a lot more than you realize, whether you’re working in an office, driving a car, or taking a class. The average modern person sits for up to 15 hours a day, according to a recent study!

We can develop sitting disease if we spend too much time sitting down. Sitting in traditional chairs can lead to common health problems due to the excess pressure and effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

In the midst of a busy schedule, how can you resolve the issue? With zero gravity chairs, you can enjoy many multifunctional furniture ideas for the modern lifestyle. 

6 Common health problems from sitting all-day

In normal times, office workers spent most of their time sitting before the recent pandemic, but now everyone is sitting at home a lot more.

If you are sitting all day at your desk at home or in your office, you can use zero gravity chairs to avoid these common health problems:

Sitting all day causes spinal compression

Gravity compresses our spine throughout the day regardless of what we do. When we sit all day, however, we put excessive pressure on our spine, which compresses it far more. 

Negating the effects of sitting all day by using a zero gravity chair. The zero gravity position allows you to elevate your legs above your heart level so that your weight is evenly distributed throughout your body and your spine is less stressed. For at least 20 minutes daily, a zero gravity chair can repair your spine in the same way that 8-10 hours of sleep can.

Symptoms of the sciatic nerve radiating from the lower back

A common health problem from sitting all day that stems from compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Whether you’ve been working from home or just find yourself spending more time each evening watching tv from a traditional chair or couch, the risk of sciatic nerve pain greatly increases from sitting all day.

Using a zero gravity chair for sciatica is extremely effective. The design of these chairs in the zero gravity position works to take pressure off the pelvic region and sciatic nerve system. Also, zero gravity chairs improve blood circulation which further reduces inflammation that can cause sciatic nerve pain.

Feelings of anxiety or depression

Physical problems aren’t the only ones caused by sitting all day. Multiple studies have shown that sitting at work increases depression risk, while physical activity lowers depression at any age.

Exercises that increase activity and release endorphins can be incorporated into your daily fitness routine using zero gravity chairs. Zero gravity chairs, along with relaxing nighttime routines, can help you relax and relieve stress, a major source of anxiety and depression.

Heart disease is more likely to occur

Heart disease is also a common health problem caused by sitting all day. 

There are different types of sitting, however. In addition to engaging in some physical activity every day, one of the health benefits of zero gravity chairs is that they promote natural heart health. This makes it easier for blood to flow through the body more effectively. By doing so, blood pressure is naturally reduced and the heart is less stressed.

Complications such as diabetes can be caused by excessive weight gain

Your body can’t efficiently digest fats and sugars when you sit all day. If you don’t increase your physical activity, whatever you eat stays in your system longer. 

Is there a way to prevent this effect of sitting all day with a zero gravity chair? Using zero gravity chairs is easy and convenient. As you relax in a zero gravity chair, you can do a number of activities to keep your heart rate up and keep yourself active. Keeping your heart rate elevated for at least 20-30 minutes each day is important.

The zero gravity chair can also be used as part of a post-workout recovery routine to help heal the body, keep muscles loose with heat therapy and massage features, or treat muscle strain after your workout.

An increased risk of certain types of cancer

By sitting all day, you increase your risk of certain types of cancers. 

Despite the fact that zero gravity chairs cannot help treat cancer directly, they can help reduce your risk of developing cancer, just like avoiding health problems associated with sitting all day. The risk of cancer can be reduced when participants engage in physical activity on a daily basis. Now that you’re exercising, relax and take comfort in the fact that you can do it all from your zero gravity chair!

To prevent health problems from sitting all day, using a zero gravity chair can improve your overall health, both mental and physical. Not all sitting is the same! Choose zero gravity chairs that fit your lifestyle instead of traditional couches and recliners that stress your body.

What are zero gravity chairs?

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