5 benefits of a zero gravity chair

How gravity chairs got their unusual name?

By laying on your back and bringing both your head and feet slightly above your chest, you’ll reach a 120° angle and a state of weightlessness. This was the position NASA found to help astronauts relieve body stress when taking off. The zero gravity chair name is after this position.

What are the benefits of a zero gravity chair and how it can help you?

You can improve your posture with zero gravity recliners

This chair’s unique position helps to decompress your spine, correcting the misalignment of your neck, shoulders, and spinal discs;

In addition to offering this cutting-edge design, they help you maintain a correct posture while reading a book or watching TV, so you won’t slouch as much as you would on a couch or traditional chair.

Blood circulation is enhanced in a zero gravity position

In the zero gravity position, your heart and feet are relatively aligned, so the heart can work more efficiently, making it easier to get more oxygen into your bloodstream and throughout your entire body.

Zero gravity position regulates high blood pressure

As a result of improved blood circulation, zero gravity recliners also reduce stress on your heart.

Using zero gravity chairs can relieve lower back pain

Sitting in an office most of the day can cause lower back pain. At times, this unpleasant, persistent sensation may even seem impossible to remove.

Zero gravity chairs can reduce the strain that gravity puts on your vertebrae, and also manage to take the pressure off your sore lower back.

Aero gravity chairs allow you to relax sore muscles

When you use a zero gravity recliner, your body weight is evenly distributed, and you enter the sought-after state of weightlessness that characterizes this position. By doing so, you relieve muscle tension, reducing soreness and tension-related disorders.

How long should you sit in a zero gravity chair?

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